25 Favorites for Your Teen’s Easter Basket


Easter is just around the corner, and I love this time of year for so many reasons. Spring is in the air and all around. Stores are filled with baskets, flowers, and seasonal pinks, blues, yellows, and greens. When my kids were little, we loved hiding eggs and filling baskets full of little treats and toys. But now my kids are twelve and seventeen. Hiding eggs and filling baskets is out, right??

Nope! News flash for you–in case you didn’t know–even my older kids still love finding their baskets full of sweet treats and fun knickknacks and playthings. And the best part is I don’t have to spend an arm and leg to see those big grins on their faces.

Here are 25 (useful and practical) favorites to fill your pre-teen or teen’s Easter basket with that won’t leave your wallet empty:

  1. Chapstick
  2. Fun socks
  3. Makeup items/face wash/pimple patches
  4. Card games
  5. Hydration packets (Liquid IV, Zip fizz, Prime)
  6. Pens and pencils
  7. Art supplies (pens, colored pencils, markers)
  8. Water bottle stickers
  9. Croc charms
  10. Small gift cards ($5)
  11. Carabiners (big or small)
  12. Small notebook or sketchbook
  13. Small stuffed animals
  14. Summer hats
  15. Jewelry
  16. Sunglasses
  17. Wordsearch/puzzle books
  18. Small Lego sets
  19. Small travel bags
  20. Books
  21. Body spray/lotion
  22. Slippers
  23. Pickleball paddle
  24. Fidget toys
  25. Hair supplies (clips, gel, fun colors)

So, this Easter, don’t let having older kids keep you from all the spring basket fun! Find a few small things to throw in a basket, bag, or any fun container. I guarantee it will be smiles all around as they hunt through these little treasures. Happy spring and cheers to the longer days and warmer weather it brings.