Adrienne, Senior Writer
Escaping Your Comfort Zone
I recently heard a quote that really stuck with me: "A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing grows there."
This is so true!
Too often we crave change in an area of our lives,...
What I’ve Learned from my Daughter about Happiness (even during Tough Times)
One of the many things I appreciate about children is their ability to be happy and optimistic. I admire their resilience and their pure sense of joy. I recently read a book, The Happiness...
Beautiful Mama, I See You!
Beautiful mama, I see you...
Holding your precious child gazing at them with amazement that they are so perfect and yours.
Running after your crawling, walking, running little one, encouraging them to explore, yet protecting them...
5 Tips For When Your Child Is Pushing Your Buttons
Pushing your buttons is a skill at which most children excel. With utter amazement, we realize that in mere minutes our children can bring out our worst. I have used a possessed demon voice...
Let’s Remember to be Kind
One of the unique characteristics that separates humans from animals is our ability to be kind, compassionate and caring.
However, when faced with fear, uncertainty, and stress, the tendency for many humans is to revert...
Hang In There, It’s Worth It!
When I see parents of young children, sometimes I have a strong urge to give them a little piece of advice. I don't want to tell them anything cliche like, "These days go by...
Letting Go of Mom Guilt
We are all familiar with guilt. It is that annoying, overwhelming feeling which tells us we are not doing enough, are not enough, should be doing more, or are simply doing everything wrong.
Guilt is...
Embracing Change: Three Tips To Help You Through
The only thing that is absolutely certain in life is change. This inevitable part of life can be extremely difficult to adjust to, whether the change is wanted or unwanted.
Recently, my family has experienced...
Bullying Awareness Month: Bullying Isn’t Just “Kids Being Kids”
Bullying is a harsh reality in life. Chances are that you experienced bullying as a child as a victim, perpetrator or witness. Unfortunately, chances are high that you child will, too.
The types of bullying...
Are you Stuck in a Rut? Questions To Help You Move on
What is a rut? You've probably heard the expression, same shenanigans a different day, or something along those lines. That describes a rut perfectly. It is where you feel like you are doing the...