
bilingualism featured

5 Ways to Promote Bilingualism with Your Child

Have you ever read about the benefits of bilingualism? Apart from its cognitive benefits, bilingualism increases cultural awareness, which on its own is a big deal. My first language was Spanish and I learned...
Uncertain Times Featured

Dealing with Uncertainty in Motherhood

As moms, I am now convinced we deal with a lot of uncertainty. We are strong, we struggle, we are resilient, we are stubborn… but in all of our forms, WE ARE. Not necessarily...
Coffee Shops Colorado Springs

5 Coffee Shops to Visit in Colorado Springs… Plus a Few More

A good americano or latte is always welcome in my house. I will never say no. How familiar are you with local coffee shops, though? The coolest part about coffee shops is the community...
Social Media Hiatus Featured

My Hiatus from Social Media… Well, Kinda

It was time to take a break. Social media was taking up too much space in my daily routine. Even app limits I had set for myself weren’t doing anything for me. I was...
Date Night At Home Featured Image

Going Out on Dates Each Week is Overrated

Maybe it's an unpopular opinion, but going out on dates each week is overrated. For one, it takes a lot of effort. Getting ready to head out turns into preparing-for-the-Olympics, and then you have...
Emotional Intelligence Featured Image

Emotional Intelligence and Its Benefit to Mothers

Motherhood is loaded with emotion. From the desire to bear a child, to raising a kiddo, to when they move out; there is so much of our feelings involved. But in the midst of...
The aftermath of leaving my career featured image

The Aftermath of Leaving my Career to be a Stay-at-Home Mom

It's been a year since I left my full-time job. I can't believe it! Before leaving my 8-year career in higher education, I had joined the dream team, was working from home, and had...

Marriage Counseling: From Taboo to Gratitude

It is inevitable that a marriage will encounter bumps. Heck, if you are human, you've experienced conflict. Misunderstandings happen, words you can't take back are blurted, or there are just some hurts that seem...