Dear Son,
I am so glad for the excitement in your eyes when we talk about starting kindergarten. It makes my heart happy to see how excited you are to go school supply shopping and to try on new school clothes. I can’t wait to hear stories of your days at school—of field trips, lunch conversations, science experiments, art projects, and recess games.
I am so grateful that we have instilled in you a love of learning.
Never stop asking questions—I pray that your desire of knowledge never goes away. Always seek the truth about the world, and never settle for just what you’re told. You are so smart, and I know learning comes easily to you. But you will face challenges that seem too hard. I pray we have helped you build confidence in yourself to persevere and take on all the hard things head first.
As you enter into this season of life, I pray that your childlike wonder doesn’t get diminished by the world around you.
I hope you continue to explore with a sense of adventure—in kindergarten and beyond. I hope your innocence doesn’t fade too quickly. You are growing up, and that is a wonderful thing, but there is still a part of me that wants you to be a little boy for as long as you can.
I hope you find great friends during this journey.
I hope you find friends who love you for who you are. Instead of tearing you down, I pray your new friends build you up. I want to protect you from the evils of the world as much as I can, but I know there are situations where I just can’t protect your heart. In those times, I pray that you will be strong, that you will always remember the people who really love you, that you will respond with love, and that you remember to rely on God to help you through difficult situations. Always remember to treat others with respect, patience, and love.
I know you are ready for “real school,” sweet boy.
Kindergarten is ready for you, too. I hope you can help me embrace this new season with a grateful heart. I am proud of who you are, and who you are becoming.