Fun Family Activities in Colorado Springs


Summertime in Colorado Springs… everything is green again, the sun is shining, and kids are home from school. We might find ourselves super busy with activities, or we might find ourselves bored at home, having too much screen time. This summer, I am particularly excited to spend more time with my elementary-aged kids. Now that they are getting a little older, there are so many more fun things we can do together. Whether at home or around town, there are so many fun activities for families in Colorado Springs.

At Home

At our house, we love board games, card games and doing crafts. My elementary-aged kids can now follow instructions and rules for board games. We are still working on winning and losing gracefully, of course. We play Uno, memory match games, Headbanz, and Candy Land. Instead of gathering dust on the shelf or immediately getting destroyed when opened, board games are now a source of entertainment for the whole family. We also love to paint and color together.

Outdoor Family Activities In Colorado Springs

As the kids get older, it’s a little easier to do fun outdoor activities as a family. We have always loved having picnics, hiking and fishing, but it has become less stressful as they have gotten more coordinated and capable, compared with the wobbly toddler years. We also like to visit different parks, splash pads, and occasionally swimming pools. One thing I look forward to as the weather warms up is taking my kids mini golfing. Last time I tried to take them mini golfing, they were toddlers–it did not go well. Now, they will be able to play along with their dad and me.

Indoor Family Activities In Colorado Springs

Colorado Springs has many indoor activities as well. Our family is excited for the reopening of the Space Foundation Discovery Center. It was a big favorite for my oldest daughter last summer. Colorado Springs is also home to several museums and exhibits. I have lived here my entire life and there are still places I haven’t been yet but hope to take my kids to during the summer. Skate City is another fun place to take the kids. It’s a fun way to burn off their endless energy, but it’s also fun to put on a pair of skates and skate with the kids. Other family activities include bowling and indoor play-places. We will also spend a ton of time at the library this summer.

Summertime can be simple for your family. Not every day has to be filled with trips and activities. We want to make the most of our time with our kids, and sometimes that means getting out of the house and going on adventures. Sometimes, that means letting our kids be bored at home. Reading, doing crafts, and even watching TV at home are important parts of summertime, too. Stock up on popsicles and sunscreen and send them outside to play as much as possible.


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