Echoes of Gratitude: Reflections on Children’s Hospital of Colorado


Gratitude in Crisis

Our family recently found ourselves thrust into a whirlwind of fear and uncertainty when our youngest faced a breathing scare, initiating an unexpected three-day hospital journey. Despite the unexpected and harrowing ordeal, it was a poignant reminder of several realizations that now resonate deeply within me.

Neighborhood Blessings

Amidst panic and desperation, I found solace in the fact that Children’s Hospital of Colorado Springs lay just a stone’s throw away from our home. The realization of our nearness to such an excellent facility, merely a five-minute drive, struck me as a rare privilege. We are fortunate to have access to world-class care right in our neighborhood. Many families endure long-distance travel and separation. The closeness of this hospital is a gift beyond measure, one that I’ll forever cherish.

Saints Among Crisis

My admiration knows no bounds for the extraordinary individuals dedicating their lives to caring for our children within the hospital walls. They are the unsung heroes, standing as beacons of strength and compassion in our darkest hours. Amidst our turmoil, they offer our precious little ones reassurance, comfort, and safety. Their unwavering commitment to healing is nothing short of miraculous, and their selflessness and resilience humble me.

From the nurses to the volunteers, and staff to the doctors, they create a sanctuary where families find solace. Their gestures, like hiding Easter eggs on the floors or gifting Build-a-Bears on holidays, are poignant reminders of their boundless empathy and dedication to brightening even the darkest days.

For the Hospital Mamas

As we prepared to leave Children’s Hospital of Colorado, my heart ached for the mothers whose reality may never include being discharged. The thought of those enduring the anguish of long-term hospital stays with their children weighed heavily on my soul. The dichotomy of life “in here” versus “out there” is a burden too heavy to bear alone. To those resilient mothers and their courageous children who navigate this challenging journey, know you are not alone. Your strength, sacrifice, and unwavering love do not go unnoticed. Your presence is a beacon of hope amidst the shadows, and your dedication is a testament to the incredible bond between parent and child.

A Message of Gratitude for Children’s Hospital of Colorado

As tears of sadness, gratitude, and appreciation blur my vision, I want to convey a message to those remarkable individuals and organizations. You are the pillars of strength in our darkest hours. Your tireless efforts, though often unspoken, do not go unnoticed. You are our unsung heroes, our guiding lights in the storm. Know that your strength, compassion, and unwavering dedication are seen, felt, and deeply appreciated today and every day.

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Chelsea is originally from Florida, but has lived all over the US (FL, NC, MI, DC, VA, OR, WA, SC, DE, TX, and AL). Being in the military will do that to you. She is a Major in the Air Force, a Mental Health Counselor, and the owner of Limitless Life Coaching, LLC. Chelsea has been married to the best guy, Michael, for the last 10 years. Together they have three kiddos Lillian (5), Aiden (3), and Isaac (9 months) plus a mutt pupper who is 12 years old. They have been in Colorado for the last 2 years (the longest location so far!) and they’re hoping to settle down soon. Chelsea's favorite things are Jesus, people, and nature.


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