Supporting New Parents During the Newborn Phase


It is no secret that becoming a mom to a new baby, whether for the first time or the fifth, rocks your world. Before becoming a mom myself, I had no idea what a whirlwind those first few months would be. Now that I have gone through it myself, I feel overly sensitive to what my new mom friends are going through when their baby first arrives. There are a few key things that I have learned make the most impact in supporting new parents during the newborn phase.


Finding time to eat can be hard enough in itself, let alone finding the time to cook. Organizing a meal train can be a great way to help a family get meals covered those first few weeks. If they already have one set up and you want to contribute, we’ve got you covered with some great meal ideas! For those of us who don’t love to cook or have trouble finding the time, another great option is to send the new parents a gift card for a meal delivery service, like DoorDash or Uber Eats. They can treat themselves to something yummy without having to worry about the logistics!


Another aspect I’ve found helpful is offering to help with chores. The important thing here is to be specific. There’s a big difference in offering the classic “Let me know if I can help with anything!” versus “Hey, can I stop by today to help with laundry?” Being specific can make it feel more genuine, and in turn will make your friend feel more comfortable accepting the help. Good ideas here would be to offer to come hold the baby while she showers or naps, help with laundry or dishes, or stop at the store and pick up some groceries.


Lastly, the emotional support you can offer a new parent can be invaluable. Motherhood, especially for first time moms, can feel lonely, scary and overwhelming. For me personally, I struggled with my second born, who was an extremely colicky baby. I had little support in every aspect, and it would’ve meant the world to hear someone tell me that they had been through something similar. We often see on social media the perfect image of the newborn phase, where life is full of lazy days and snuggles. But as many moms know, that is not the reality for everyone. Being there for a new mom to ensure her that her feelings, no matter what they are, are valid can make a huge impact.

It is so important for us moms to come together and support one another! Share your favorite way to support a new mom below!