Celebrate National Astronaut Day with Space-themed Activities


National Astronaut Day

In addition to the festive Cinco de Mayo, May 5th is National Astronaut Day. As a child, I was always interested in space. My interest in space has returned in full force with two young sons who love to learn about space and imagine traveling to outer space.

While not limited to May 5th, here are some fun ideas for your space explorers who want to learn more or dream of becoming future astronauts.

Colorado Springs Activities

  1. Space Foundation Discovery Center is our local stop for space and fun STEM activities. The facility has been under a recent renovation. With plans for a grand reopening this spring, we can’t wait to check out their new exhibits and interactive activities.
  2. The United States Air Force Academy Planetarium offers free public shows that feature several STEM topics, including space and live night sky tours. The schedule with the current features is updated regularly on the website.
  3. Challenger Learning Center has a number of learning opportunities for the public including Second Saturday Science or Star Parties.

Denver-area Activities

In addition to these local options, here are some other fun space ideas for kids.

  1. Denver Museum of Nature and Science has a Space Odyssey exhibit, and Gates Planetarium is sure to amaze. Free tickets to the museum are available on a first come basis through the Pikes Peak Culture Pass.
  2. Wings over the Rockies – Air and Space Museum (Lowry) boasts over 100,000 square feet of aviation and space history. (Sunday, May 12th is Mom’s Free Day this year.)

Additional Space Fun

  1. Story Time from Space features astronauts reading children’s books from the International Space Station. For example, one of our family favorites is Mousetronaut.
  2. Don’t forget to check out some fun astronaut books from the Pikes Peak Library District. Here is a list of fun space-related books to consider reading with your child(ren).
  3. Pretend play is also fun for little ones. These astronaut dress-up clothes have been fun for my boys (ages 3-6). We have also used a large cardboard box to craft a rocket ship.

Learning about space and astronauts is just one way to celebrate National Astronaut Day on May 5th. Please share activities or fun ways that you and your children have celebrated astronauts and space in the comments below.