Christa, Senior Writer

Christa, Senior Writer
Christa is a wife, mother, military spouse, and an educator.
back to school

Back to School: A Whole New Ballgame

This week, our kids went back to school for the first time in five months.  They were masked up, but excited to be back in the classroom with other kids and their teachers.  I...
small stuff

Sweatin’ the Small Stuff

Lately, I’ve been trying a lot of new things.  I’ve been listening to new music, shopping different stores, and watching all kinds of new shows on TV.  I’m actually making these changes by choice. ...
21 years

21 Years and Counting… the Good, the Bad, and the Laughs

Recently, my husband and I celebrated 21 years of wedded bliss. Twenty-one years of marriage means I’ve been married to my husband for longer than I lived at home with my parents. It means...
love beer

The Seasoned Sipper, Part 2: Learning to Love Beer

Did I mention that I haven’t always loved beer? I tried beer… I really did! But I never found it enjoyable. So, I figured I just wasn’t a “beer person.” Turns out, I actually...

From Beer Hater to Seasoned Sipper

I’m a 40-something wife, mother of two, teacher, writer… and beer lover. In fact, my husband and I can often be found spending our “date nights” at local microbreweries, enjoying their latest brewing creations. I...
coffee date

Coffee Dates with Friends Over the Phone

Do you have a friend (or a few) that you just love to chat with? That friend that you have a lot in common with – where conversation is never lacking. I recently received...
instant pot

My Name is Christa… and I’m a “Pot-Head”

A few Christmases ago, I received an Instant Pot as a gift from my brother and his wife. I took one look at it, pushed it to the corner, and commented to my husband...
9th grader

Dear Mom of a Rising 9th Grader

This week, I did something I never dreamed I would do. I sat in the crowded school cafeteria for freshman curriculum night. Despite all my protests and denial, my beautiful oldest baby will head...
finding peace

Finding Peace in 2020

Peace. It is what we all want right? We don’t have to be pageant queens to wish for peace…in our homes, with our families, and in our communities. I really struggled with finding peace...
down time

Down Time Memories

It’s the most wonderful time of the year… right? The holiday season is always so busy: holiday programs here, parties there, gifts for teachers, gifts for neighbors; not to mention trying to squeeze in...