Maybe it's the baby fever talking, or the fact that my youngest just turned one last month, but I've got babies on the brain. There is this look, the look that people give you when you tell them you want...
I don't know about you, but having kids can often make you want to learn and research all the things. You want your littles to hit all the milestones, you want to feed them all the best things, you...
We were so honored and thrilled to have the opportunity to gather approximately 75 Colorado Springs area moms two weeks ago to celebrate motherhood. In partnership with Dr. Smith’s, Albert Vein Institute and Turtle Toppy we welcomed dozens of mothers and moms-to-be to...
You have to stay calm. Showing any sign of frustration will make them cling to you longer, dragging out the entire process. They know impatience. They sense it and feed off of it. Your job is to make them think you'll be there all night. You've got nowhere to be, no deadline to meet, no husband waiting for you in the other room.
We are excited to present Bloom :: An Event for New and Expecting Moms Who :: All Colorado Springs area mothers (you do not have to be expecting to attend!) What to Expect :: A {kid-free} morning of pampering and relaxation in celebration of motherhood. ...
At the Colorado Department of Human Services’ Office of Early Childhood, we recommend that you talk about safe sleep practices with everyone who provides care for your baby, including your child care provider, the sitter down the street and...
But now we have come to what I call the sweet spot. The kids are between, say, 3 and 6. They believe in Santa and his magic. And they are suckers for all of the advertising on TV. They may be a little shy but parents or elves usually can coax them to at least stand next to Santa as they mumble to him about the Lego set or doll or robot they want him to bring.
I was never much of a baby holder as a teenager or young adult. I didn’t look at toddlers and feel compelled to squeeze their cute little bodies next to me, but something changed in me when I had...
We are thankful to Poppins Payroll for this sponsored post. But the thoughts & feelings are our own and we only share companies that we personally know & love! Raise your hand if you have ever thought having an in-home...
Once upon a time, expectant mothers were told that if they delivered a baby by Cesarean section, all their remaining children would have to be delivered the same way. The myth persists, so some would-be moms worry about that. Here’s...

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