Costwise, In Home Child Care in Colorado Springs generally ranges from about $125 -$180 per week, per child depending on the operation. This rate often covers the hourly rate, plus any food the child consumes for meals and snacks. It usually does not cover diapers, wipes and formula.
It can feel downright impossible to find the perfect baby clothes when you’re out shopping for a newborn. There are outrageously cute designer outfits that might never get worn (or break the bank) and a 5-pack of plain white...
Baby Monitor Round-up #2: The Angelcare AC601 Last time, I briefly went over the Owlet Smart Sock baby monitor. That monitor is a pulse and oxygenation monitor, and it’s particularly helpful to have if your little one has health concerns....
When I found out I was expecting my oldest child, an image appeared in my brain that defined what I thought motherhood would be like: It's a dreamy scene with soft afternoon light as a mother and child sleep sweetly...
While breastfeeding has many benefits for newborns, many moms struggle with it. The amount of information involved with the process can be overwhelming – from knowing how to properly store breast milk to whether baby is getting enough milk...
From the moment of conception (and actually, even before) children are losing their right to privacy. In fact, a recent study shared that by the time a child is five years old, their parents will have posted around 1,500 images of them on social media. Anonymity has been snatched away from them.
I've learned that it means I gave up one title for a dozen others, but anything that's worth having requires work. I am blessed with the opportunity to be at home with my children, and watch them grow up.
I never thought I would be a mom to all boys. Never. Even before I was married, I pictured, dreamed of and just naively assumed that I would have at least one of each. I loved the idea of...
I have always been so captivated by people. I LOVE to watch them and see what they are all about. Their mannerisms and behavior is something that can be very fascinating. It's interesting to be able to see what...
I have no idea what I’m doing. Do you know how many times I say that to myself in a day? So many. I'm in new situations regularly with my girls and I think, Ack. This could be a memory...

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