Wear Sunscreen. As a freshman in high school, wanting to be considered cool by my Senior brother and his friends, I listened repeatedly to a popular "song" they liked called, "Everybody's Free to Wear Sunscreen". More reading, than song really...
It's May! Which just happens to be Better Hearing and Speech Month. To help spread the word, Amy Graham from Graham Speech Therapy is addressing some of the most common questions she receives from parents. Since the 1930s, Speech Language...
I enjoy putting together homemade Lunchables, so I can choose higher quality meat, cheese and crackers and also pack some fresh fruit as a side. I also switch up sandwiches by using different breads like tortillas, bagel thins and croissants.
I am so grateful to the huge number of simple, quiet posts, "Me, too." The number is overwhelming. It should not be okay that the majority of women I know, of every age and background, have dealt with this. Whether they were raped, assaulted, degraded, belittled or made to feel uncomfortable, it does not matter. It is not okay.
Can you believe it is already time to register children for the Fall of 2018 kindergarten? There are few times as exciting for parents as the time our children transition into kindergarten. In my experience as a school principal, our...
When I was ten years old, I was caught in an undertow at Virginia Beach. The wave tumbled and tossed me, dragged me along the gritty ocean floor and then swirled me up again in a wet, relentless swirl....
Unfortunately, my sisters and I had to start talking about Dad's funeral.  It's hard.  Really hard.  Trying to decide what to do when he passes.  As we're wrestling with some decisions, I'm really really glad that a few years...
The little things are what matter most.  We tend to think the big moments matter more, such as the extravagant birthdays, holidays, graduations and vacations.  Surprisingly, it’s the little, seemingly unimportant, things that are done time and time again that our...
As my kids have gotten older, I have struggled with when to let go and when to push them. I will forever say yes if they want me to read to them and snuggle. The day they give up...
At some point in the journey of parenthood, all of us find ourselves in a minority. Maybe you find yourself feeding your little one with a bottle in a room filled with breastfeeding covers. Maybe you’re the only working mom...

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