I have no idea what I’m doing. Do you know how many times I say that to myself in a day? So many. I'm in new situations regularly with my girls and I think, Ack. This could be a memory...
We only have one shampooer. That meant while one assistant was working with the equipment, I needed to outline the next task. This helped best utilize the manpower I had and kept everyone busy.
It took a conversation I had with a mom whose children had grown for it to come full circle for me. She mentioned if she could get time back with her young kids it wouldn’t be to attend the piano recital again or the Christmas play one more time. Rather, it would be to relive the little moments—snuggling in mom and dad’s bed to watch a movie or spontaneously playing hide and seek when my oldest shouts out where he’s hiding.
What to do when everything is changing… Change is good. Change is bad. Change is inevitable… Yada…yada…yada…blah…blah..blah… Right now, I am taking my first breath of fresh air from my ugly and I mean a really ugly cry over a bad...
If I'm honest, this season of toddlers feels too long, too raw, and too close to every single source of insecurity I have. It feels endless and personal. Every meltdown, angry response, or missed potty-training cue (so many missed potty training cues) makes me feel like a failure at the only job I have right now. 
You're going to judge. They're going to judge. It's human nature. You'll find yourself questioning everything. Does she like me? Are our personalities connecting? Do we have the same taste in food? Is it weird to ask for her number? Do I wait a couple days to text her? Even though you're not really dating, it's going to feel awkward. Especially if you're out of practice and you'll quickly remember what it's like to put yourself out there.
I am a mom of five kids, aged 8-14. And I feel fortunate to live in a school choice state, where we can decide what is best for each child. Three of my children attend the nearby elementary school....
"Don't worry, it gets easier, this is just a season of your life, enjoy it." Yes, this is a season. Hurricane season. The first time I heard this sweet phrase I thought they were very kind words.  I pondered them...
"Mom, you ROCK!" Let's be honest, we don't hear those words often enough.  And, if you can get a stranger to say it to you-you know you're on the right track. This particular time, okay- it's the only time, it was...
My husband and I welcomed a daughter into the world six years ago. Since then, we have watched the princess dolls pile up around our home; everyone from Tiana to Merida with the occasional Barbie mixed in for good...

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