I'd love to say we found some kind of magical formula that helps him snap out of this, but we haven't. Occasionally we'll find that blowing one strong burst of air into his mouth helps, but it doesn't always. His pediatrician assures us he's totally healthy and will eventually outgrow this terrifying but harmless habit. But in the meantime, I wonder how I will set the same firm limits for him on a day to day basis as I have for my other two children? How do you parent well when you're terrified of your child getting angry?
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! There’s no end to the festivities and fun that the holiday season brings to Colorado Springs. We’ve compiled an ultimate guide of family-friendly holiday festivals and fun all over the area...
I was never much of a baby holder as a teenager or young adult. I didn’t look at toddlers and feel compelled to squeeze their cute little bodies next to me, but something changed in me when I had...
No, I am not a recovering drug addict and it isn’t my life that is in a million little pieces, but my living room floor. A MILLION LITTLE PIECES of toys… This weekend was a typical Colorado spring weekend.  The beautiful,...
We were so honored and thrilled to have the opportunity to gather over 125 Colorado Springs area moms two weeks ago to celebrate motherhood. In partnership with CSHP and Little Sunshine's Preschool and Playhouse, we welcomed dozens of mothers and...
A large black spider slowly crawled across my living room ceiling. He was difficult to ignore not only because of the contracting white ceiling and black body, but also because of his slow, constant movement. This particularly brave arachnid decided it would be best to crawl across the middle of the ceiling, taunting me with his long legs just out of reach. I shouted, “GROSS!” And the spider suddenly stopped moving. He could hear me. That made me feel like he should probably go. I don’t want a spider spy in my house!
It took a conversation I had with a mom whose children had grown for it to come full circle for me. She mentioned if she could get time back with her young kids it wouldn’t be to attend the piano recital again or the Christmas play one more time. Rather, it would be to relive the little moments—snuggling in mom and dad’s bed to watch a movie or spontaneously playing hide and seek when my oldest shouts out where he’s hiding.
“How was your day at school, baby?” I asked as she climbed into the car. —“A little boy told me I had a fat belly,” she said, almost matter-of-factly. “I’m sorry… what?!” She repeated herself. The next three seconds seemed like...
When it comes to graduation there are two main (BIG) feelings, which come together to make it very a bittersweet time. On one hand we are ready to be done dealing with school, but on the other hand, the idea of...
So you think you want to add a dog to the family…. When I was first married, we acquired a dog before we were even living under the same roof. It’s one of the few things my husband and I...

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