Positive. That one little symbol on the pregnancy test that literally changed everything in my life. I was not expecting to see a positive result, but there it was. And even though I had been down this road before with...
When your water breaks, you know you need to giddy on up to the hospital. But when contractions are making you feel like you might die from the inside yet are still eight minutes apart, you call the hospital twice thinking maybe they'll take pity on you this time and tell you to come have your baby. Spoiler alert: they won't.
Once upon a time, expectant mothers were told that if they delivered a baby by Cesarean section, all their remaining children would have to be delivered the same way. The myth persists, so some would-be moms worry about that. Here’s...
Birth Mother: 18 years old, black ancestry, 5’3” tall, 120 lbs, small bone structure, coarse black hair, black eyes, dark complexion. Senior in high school, would like to be a social worker. Enjoys sports and is in good health....
Miscarriage. It's common, yet somehow a dark mystery, a distant grief, a great unknown...until you have one. And then even though it's common, it's very uncommon to you. If you're like I was and know little about miscarriage—and certainly not...
From the moment I found out I was pregnant, I was certain that I was having another girl. It was my second pregnancy, and my first girl was still in diapers. My kiddos would be almost exactly two years...
My dear friend is having her first baby! And, as exciting as this seems, it’s been quite an experience. To start, she is single, and she is nearly 40. This pregnancy has been trying, confusing, and painful. But it’s...
Bringing a new baby into the family packs quite the emotion-punch. Oh, all the emotions: Joy. Sadness. Fear. Just-let-me-sleep. (That's an emotion, right?) Elation. Contentedness. Anxiety. And that's all in a matter of just ten minutes. AmIright?! If you're anything...
This is only what I imagine my husband is thinking, what I believe he would confess as I grow our third child during the first trimester. We've been here before, after all. And I know we can do it again.  I've...
“You sure have perfected the pregnant waddle!” a co-worker of mine exclaimed as he walked behind me down the hallway to the teacher’s lounge. I cringed and gave a half-hearted laugh. “You’re right, I have,” I managed to mumble...

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