I've been a part of a large moms group since I was pregnant with my first. So I've been involved in many meal trains. And while I'm no real expert on this, I do feel like I've learned a...
We are so thankful to Dr. James. D. Albert of Albert Vein Institute who is Colorado's Vein Specialist for providing this sponsored post highlighting important credentials to look for when choosing a physician vein-care specialist. The good news for today’s...
We were so honored and thrilled to have the opportunity to gather approximately 75 Colorado Springs area moms two weeks ago to celebrate motherhood. In partnership with Dr. Smith’s, Albert Vein Institute and Turtle Toppy we welcomed dozens of mothers and moms-to-be to...
“You sure have perfected the pregnant waddle!” a co-worker of mine exclaimed as he walked behind me down the hallway to the teacher’s lounge. I cringed and gave a half-hearted laugh. “You’re right, I have,” I managed to mumble...
We are so thankful to Good To Know Colorado for providing this sponsored post.  Due to the nature of this post the contributor has been kept anonymous.  Finding out you are pregnant, whether for the first time or the fifth time, can come...
Bringing a new baby into the family packs quite the emotion-punch. Oh, all the emotions: Joy. Sadness. Fear. Just-let-me-sleep. (That's an emotion, right?) Elation. Contentedness. Anxiety. And that's all in a matter of just ten minutes. AmIright?! If you're anything...
I know you've all been waiting with bated breath for my comparison of the second trimesters of my two pregnancies. I'm happy to report that I've recently entered my third trimester, and can now give a thorough summary. A Pain...
  A month or so ago, I was scrolling through Pinterest. I came across an article which totally rubbed me the wrong way. I purposefully didn’t link to the article, because what I’m writing about isn’t about that specific author....
Motherhood is hard. There are all the things you have to remember all the time. If I have learned anything, it is that there is such a thing as having "baby brain." That sometimes, all the energy you possess is tied up in making a human. That makes you do stupid things.
My second child is rolling around in my belly, two weeks from his due date. Preparing for the Day My hips are creaky, my toddler is sleeping, and the house is (sort-of) clean, so I'm taking a moment to sit with...

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