Almost eight years ago, my husband and I were married on a wooden bridge that lived above a babbling creek. This particular bridge lived in the garden of one of Green Mountain Falls most well-known restaurants, The Pantry. We were...
Tell me: Do you remember what you received three years ago for your birthday? What about two years ago for Valentine's Day? Perhaps what you received for Christmas last year? As someone whose love languages include quality time, the most...
I was raised in Michigan, and have never spent a winter in anything but snow. So, while winter here is a little more mild, I am used to snow. But I remember being a student at the University of...
I'm back with some more motivation to help you work towards your fitness goals! The holidays are HERE in case you didn't know, and I have some tips to help you avoid the dreaded holiday weight gain. Don't skip meals in anticipation...
  When you become a parent I truly believe it is important to leave your kids, especially when they’re young. If you’re married, then I believe it is completely crucial to leave your kids. I’m not talking about abandoning your...
We absolutely LOVE Christmas!  It's not enough to celebrate one day, so we like to count down using advent activities.  Some are simple, some take a little planning.  Some reinforce our faith, some are just for fun.  Some are...
I've put off writing this post.  It's not that I didn't want to write it, but I've been unsure where to start. My hope is to give a realistic picture of adoption in all its messy beautifulness, and give honesty to...
Don’t hate. I see all those ‘I pledge’ memes, and while I appreciate your sentiment and I resent Target and Walmart for morphing Black Friday into Holiday Thursday, I love the sport. I remember my first year “Black Friday”...
My name is Deanna and my kids are 22 years old (Which is strange all on its own because all of my social media has me listed as 29. Weird, right?) and 6 years old. I know. Holy age...
Disclaimer :: This event was sponsored by Costco, but all reviews and opinions are my own. It never fails that I always go to Costco at the most insanely busy times.  You know...a Sunday afternoon right after church...on a day...

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