To combat those fears and jitters our little ones (and their mamas) may experience when attending preschool for the first time, I wanted to share some of the things he and I have discussed. 
A few weeks ago, I told my toddler that I noticed a couple of fairies had moved into our backyard, but they didn’t have a place to live. Her face instantly lit up. She knows exactly what fairies are...
My daughter has never been "easy." She's always been a good sleeper (with a major hiccup during the toddler bed transition) and a great eater. But she has never wanted to just stay at the house and play with...
There are two types of moms: the mom who monitors her kids in the fast food play area and the mom who throws her kids to the wolves doesn't.  Oh, and there are a few moms like me: Somewhere in the...
I realized the other day – as my daughter screamed, “I want my breakfast, daaaddyyy!” while I was changing her poopy diaper – that I had entered a different realm of living. While I’m doing something for my two...
Learning to listen is not an easy task. I still find it challenging at times, and I can't just blame it on my enneagram type. I'm not talking about powering through Transformers tangent #84 for the day when it's wine o'clock and the kids should be in bed. What I'm talking about is really listening to the things they're saying to you. I'm talking about not asking the question until you're ready to receive the answer.
What to do when everything is changing… Change is good. Change is bad. Change is inevitable… Yada…yada…yada…blah…blah..blah… Right now, I am taking my first breath of fresh air from my ugly and I mean a really ugly cry over a bad...
My point is that kids and accidents go hand-in-hand, am I right? If it hasn't happened to you yet—if your innocent child has not ruined something that you love or something expensive—I hate to tell you, but the time is coming. It will inevitably happen. Whether they are two and fry your computer or 16 and wreck your car, it will happen.
I love Summer vacation for so many reasons. My kids get a much needed break from a long, intense and busy school year, my husband (who is a teacher and coach) gets a much needed break and I get...
Out of everything I do during a single day, there’s one thing that is my absolute favorite: reading. I’ve been reading since age five and have read thousands of books by now. I was so excited to begin reading to my...

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