Overwhelm is a common emotion in my house. Probably as often for my three year old as it is for me. The ebb and flow of daily life can seem to rapidly digress from busy into a Fibonacci Spiral...
I thought I would share with you some of the things I have learned over the last six years about finding daycare in Colorado Springs through a series of posts that break down the advantages and disadvantages of all the options.
When I became a mom at 23, I fell madly in love-with my son and with motherhood. It was so exhilarating to have work to do that I adored so much. I loved the snuggles, the dressing and diapering,...
A few weeks ago, I told my toddler that I noticed a couple of fairies had moved into our backyard, but they didn’t have a place to live. Her face instantly lit up. She knows exactly what fairies are...
These are the conversations I have with myself most mornings... 8:00 a.m. "This is going to be a great day! I've had my coffee and the kids are calm."  8:15 a.m. "The kids aren't as calm as I thought..."  10:00 a.m. "Is it too early for...
I couldn't cook or clean. Just trying to keep my daughter and I both sane and alive became my primary job. I started thinking, "I have to get through this for my son's sake. I can't keep falling apart because my daughter and husband need me to be stay strong and healthy."
Imagine, for a moment, that you are in a public place with your toddler (who has most definitely been taught to be kind and polite) when suddenly he begins to laugh. You look down at him, and to your...
Out of everything I do during a single day, there’s one thing that is my absolute favorite: reading. I’ve been reading since age five and have read thousands of books by now. I was so excited to begin reading to my...
Our daughter is a full-fledged toddler – imitating the things her daddy and I do. In many ways she's like her mama. She likes things in order: closed doors, shut cupboards.  One of the things I hope she picks up...
Growing up, I would definitely call myself a worrisome child. I would worry about all types of things and then those worries would turn into nightmares at night as I slept. It wasn't every night but it happened a...

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