But now we have come to what I call the sweet spot. The kids are between, say, 3 and 6. They believe in Santa and his magic. And they are suckers for all of the advertising on TV. They may be a little shy but parents or elves usually can coax them to at least stand next to Santa as they mumble to him about the Lego set or doll or robot they want him to bring.
I realized the other day – as my daughter screamed, “I want my breakfast, daaaddyyy!” while I was changing her poopy diaper – that I had entered a different realm of living. While I’m doing something for my two...
It took a conversation I had with a mom whose children had grown for it to come full circle for me. She mentioned if she could get time back with her young kids it wouldn’t be to attend the piano recital again or the Christmas play one more time. Rather, it would be to relive the little moments—snuggling in mom and dad’s bed to watch a movie or spontaneously playing hide and seek when my oldest shouts out where he’s hiding.
Overwhelm is a common emotion in my house. Probably as often for my three year old as it is for me. The ebb and flow of daily life can seem to rapidly digress from busy into a Fibonacci Spiral...
One of my favorite things about summer is having more free time with my kids.  One of my least favorite things is not knowing what to do with that free time!  I'm sure you know the feeling -realizing that...
The other day, someone dear to me called to talk about the frustration and the struggle of being eye-ball deep in toddlerhood and raising littles. As we were talking, I began to examine the differences between my parenting style...
These past few months have been unsettling and challenging in ways few of us imagined while toasting to 2020 on New Year's Eve. Some schools and child care facilities closed temporarily. Others have been operating under different conditions. Yet,...
Child care routines have changed recently for many Colorado families. Most schools are closed, as are some child care centers. But parents... you are not alone! A state program called Colorado Shines has your back with lots of resources. Help...
The struggle to find child care is a constant battle and can cause major stress. It's a challenge to balance a convenient location, the number of facilities you have to pick up and drop off from (why do so few facilities take infants?!?) and the cost of care for multiple children.
Wear Sunscreen. As a freshman in high school, wanting to be considered cool by my Senior brother and his friends, I listened repeatedly to a popular "song" they liked called, "Everybody's Free to Wear Sunscreen". More reading, than song really...

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