I am truly curious: how often do you share your mom mistakes? When you have a #momfail moment, do you broadcast it to a select group of fellow mama/warriors? Or do you keep it to yourself? The first time I...
Fall is here, and that means something different for our military friends and family. It means another season of deployments and trainings are starting. It's not that this time of the year means that deployments and trainings are more frequent....
A year ago, this month, I became the Director of the Rocky Mountain ADA Center. 'ADA' stands for Americans with Disabilities Act (not the American Dental Association or the Americans with Diabetes Association!). I run one of ten regional...
Couples each have their own methods of communication. And there are multiple factors that go into how we communicate, especially in our marriages or partnerships. Personalities, family history, past relationship experiences and even our mood of the day can...
Having children and all that comes along with the responsibility of being a mother often leaves little if no time for ourselves. I recently read a story about a working mom who hired a virtual personal assistant to book...
Dear Mama... You need a retreat.  "What is a mom retreat?" you may ask. Let's start with what a mom retreat is NOT. It's not a weekend trip with your best gals. It's not a getaway with your husband or a...
Mama’s (and dads, too) of the bubbly faced tweens and teens, this post is for you.  It is also for all of you out there that suffer with wrinkles and adult acne. How is that even fair? It is simple....
I admire those parents who craft each piece of food into a cute animal. But I will never be that parent. I buy things he likes (or things I think he might like) and put one small serving in each compartment. Sometimes, I cut them into bite sized pieces to add more speed to the lunchtime equation. The bento box allows him beloved social time with his friends AND plenty of time to eat his entire lunch.
When my oldest was “sleep training” (I don’t even really know what that term means, so I probably wasn’t truly sleep training), I worked long and hard to get him to sleep in until seven. He was definitely an...
I'd love to say we found some kind of magical formula that helps him snap out of this, but we haven't. Occasionally we'll find that blowing one strong burst of air into his mouth helps, but it doesn't always. His pediatrician assures us he's totally healthy and will eventually outgrow this terrifying but harmless habit. But in the meantime, I wonder how I will set the same firm limits for him on a day to day basis as I have for my other two children? How do you parent well when you're terrified of your child getting angry?

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