This goes out to all the moms out there who live in a small home... and maybe wish it was larger: Hi. Do you need a hug? That might be weird. So here's a cyber high-five.  Friend, I know how...
Y’all, a move from the Midwest to Colorado Springs took some adjustment. There were so many things I didn’t know I needed. From the kitchen to the river, here’s a list of this momma’s top ten Colorado-living must-haves. The right...
Okay. For starters, I’m being a bit dramatic when I say survive. This lifestyle is a bit edgy- but we chose it, we love it, and it’s changed the way we think about so many things. It’s not actually...
I have learned to plant things that grow well in our climate. Colorado’s weather is dry and mostly sunny. Plants that need a lot of humidity don’t grow well here. I have found great success with lettuce, zucchini, tomatoes, and green beans. But melons, peppers, and cauliflower have not done well. So I don’t plant them. I grow more of the vegetables that grow well.
I’m already starting to think about the seasons changing. I love fall so much but I hate to say goodbye to warm weather, flip-flops and lots of outdoor playtime. One of the things that I happily welcome though is...

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