Every mother outsources some of her tasks. If you count machines as outsourcing, then we outsource our dishwashing, laundry duties (sans folding), and I don’t think any of us stoke a fire when we want to bake. Some of...
Prior to joining cookbook club, you'd never sunk your teeth into a fluffy popover with melted Brie and blackberry jam or washed it down with vanilla peach sweet tea. For the first time, you tried smoked gouda and pesto...
For me, the new year represents an ending and a beginning. After celebrating the accomplishments of the previous year, I turn my attention to what I want out of the year to come. While I don’t believe in new...
Get ready for a shocking confession: I’ve never had a pet in my life. Well, up until the past couple months, that is. As a chronic petless person, I have had times where I’ve really wanted a dog. Obviously, as...
There are people all over the world that do not consume alcohol for myriad reasons. I am one of those people. It seems, however, that those people are few and far between. It also is sometimes hard to socialize...
My name is Emily. I'm a mom. And one of my favorite pastimes is playing video games! I know there are other gamer moms out there, so I want to share a few of the video games I have...
Several friends have commented that our home is peaceful and relaxing. We have people in our house all the time and I’m not a perfectionist hostess, so this got me wondering about what makes our home feel peaceful. Here’s...
I currently have my warmest blanket on me, a cup of hot cocoa beside me, and Christmas music playing. The greatest time of the year is here! This time of year, we are enlisting our husbands to go into...
I am a seasonal kind of girl. I like the rhythm of being in a season and moving into the next season when it is time. So, for me, it is a bit discombobulating when Christmas music is playing...
It’s that time of year again! Pumpkins and leaves and food.  Oh, the food!  I LOVE fall! Time to gather around the table with friends and family alike and celebrate gratitude. And a keto Thanksgiving. Wait, what? Why? Blame it...

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