As parents and caregivers, we often marvel at the boundless imagination of our preschool-aged children. They transform cardboard boxes into rocket ships, create elaborate make-believe worlds, and give life to their favorite toys through imaginative play. But have you...
Some child care centers, like the one my kids attend, offer extra curricular classes like dance or martial arts where they bring the instructor into the center to conduct class during the day. I was more than willing to pay extra for this class for the luxury of being able to skip the wait-list for a Saturday morning dance class we could otherwise attend and I not having to drive there. I wish there were more opportunities like that.
I enjoy putting together homemade Lunchables, so I can choose higher quality meat, cheese and crackers and also pack some fresh fruit as a side. I also switch up sandwiches by using different breads like tortillas, bagel thins and croissants.
When my first-born daughter was two, I decided it was time to potty train. She was showing signs of readiness that I’d talked to our pediatrician about and read about in books. She seemed excited when I bought the potty...
To combat those fears and jitters our little ones (and their mamas) may experience when attending preschool for the first time, I wanted to share some of the things he and I have discussed. 
Work to remember what they’ve told you about certain school friends, certain likes and dislikes and their ideas for the future. These important things will come up again. When we recall previous conversations, our kids know we are listening and care about them.
According to the American Pediatrics Association, over 90% of a child’s brain develops before the age of five. That is why it is critical that as parents and caregivers we invest in the best care and early childhood education...
Like far too many parenting decisions, choosing a preschool can be paralyzing. Studies show it’s crucial for future academic and social success, right? So how do you find the best preschool for your child – and for you? Here's the...
Instead of asking my daughter to wait for me to play with her and dealing with her whining and clinginess in the meantime, things went more smoothly if I sat down and played with her right away. After we played for about ten minutes, I praised her for the good job she was doing and then asked her to finish playing without my help.
MyVillage offers a new option for local families. By Erica Mackey, CEO and Co-Founder, MyVillage For me, the struggle to find affordable, high quality childcare is personal. When I became a mom for the first time in 2016, I had no...

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