Overcoming Mom Doubt


This morning as I sat in the waiting room for my first women’s wellness check since giving birth to my daughter, I found myself reflecting on how much transformation I have gone through to become the woman I am today. From deciding I even wanted to be a mother, to feeling life move inside of me for the first time, to chasing down a toddler who has escaped a diaper change.

Overcoming Uncertainty

I have faced a lot of uncertainty every step along the way, and I have no illusions that the challenges are over, but as I sat watching a young woman and her partner, most likely there for their first ultrasound, and the expecting mother wrangling her three other children, I realized I was proud of myself. 

I have struggled with anxiety for many years, in my personal and professional life. Fears of inadequacy, imposter syndrome, and the loss of friendships that I blamed myself for. I have doubted myself and my abilities in a lot of aspects of my life—motherhood being no exception.

  • “Is my breastmilk enough to sustain her?”
  • “Am I abandoning her by putting her in daycare?”
  • “Is she getting enough stimulation throughout the day?”

And a million other questions that run through my head like a news ticker.

Overcoming Mom Doubt: I Am Enough

But today, I put those ever-present questions aside and thought about all of the milestones that we have surpassed, the memories already engrained in my heart, the chubby cheeks that I kiss every chance that I can. My daughter is healthy, thriving, and has the best personality. I am everything that she needs, and even when I make mistakes, we overcome them. 

I know I will have bad days when doubts and fears creep back in. But when they come, I won’t let them consume me. I will remember that for all my faults, I am enough. So, to other moms who find themselves with more questions than answers some days, I encourage you to recall the things you have already accomplished. There is no comprehensive guidebook to being a parent, but every challenge you face is helping to make you stronger for the next one.