It's night. Our eldest son is coughing, despite a humidifier, two inhalers, Vicks Vaporub and essential oils. He wanders in a few times. I don’t blame him a bit, but there isn’t much I can do beyond a hug,...
When you become a parent, the inundation starts: lists and tips of must-have items and registry requirements that will transform your parenting or your day. Contrary to all that advice, you have plenty of things on hand that can...
“I want to be a firefighter and a mom.” This was the response scrawled under the question of, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” on my preschool 'Who I Am' poster.   Somewhere along the way, the firefighter...
When my husband and I figured out we were expecting, I immediately put on my project management hat and created a timeline of tasks to complete before the due date. One of my highest priorities was to find a child care...
We cling to our coffee with our phone in hand to relay our struggles, and we can miss the opportunities to gather around other women who understand the frustrations over that cup of coffee, in the same room, and leave our phones in the diaper bag.
We were so honored and thrilled to have the opportunity to gather over 125 Colorado Springs area moms two weeks ago to celebrate motherhood. In partnership with CSHP and Little Sunshine's Preschool and Playhouse, we welcomed dozens of mothers and...
You already know it, but I'll say it anyway: it's really easy to be hard on ourselves as moms. No matter how well we're doing, it's like second nature to questions our decisions but there is something you're doing...
As any new parent will tell you, nothing can quite prepare you for the first year of your child’s life. It’s extraordinary, exhilarating and downright exhausting! It’s beautiful and messy and frightening. And while I’ve heard reflections from many new...
Enough. Enough is Enough. But what is enough? Am I enough? Do I do enough? Do I earn enough? Do we play enough? Is the house big enough? Are the kids happy enough? How do you measure? How do you know?...
I love how nowadays there are all these mommy groups online where we can vent, get advice, share stories, and ask each other questions. I belong to several of them and someone was asking a question the other day...

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