From time to time, I see entitlement begin to take over my household. When the kids take on a self-centered mindset, and gratitude becomes lacking, I know that it is time to take the focus off of ourselves and...
Empowering your child for success seems like it would be a no brainer, right?  As parents, that's one of our main goals.  Building that type of successful energy comes pretty easily at the beginning; however, keeping that momentum going...
Ok, so potty training is a part of having children, mind you a part that I would rather leave to other people. If I could, I would have outsourced to someone imminently more qualified than myself. I was under the...
Watching our kids, more specifically our teens, go through heartbreak — their first heartbreak — isn’t easy.  I found that out firsthand this week.  Just because they’re kids, doesn’t mean their feelings aren’t big and their emotions even bigger. ...
He was 1 pound, 11 ounces – the tiniest human I had ever seen. Our micro-preemie. His body was the size of a vending-machine soda bottle with a tennis-ball head perched on top. Matchstick fingers and toes wiggled madly. Waiting for Contact I...
As babies and itty-bitties, we read to our children a lot. I remember the days with the heavy body leaning into mine as we flipped the pages of my son’s favorite books like There’s a Wocket in My Pocket...
Yesterday, I was flipping through my Facebook feed, mindlessly looking through posts from old friends and ads for things that I vaguely remember mentioning a day or two ago to my husband (How does Facebook know that by the...
I'm just gonna be very real right now. I have a beautiful nine-month-old daughter with the sweetest personality. She is such a joy. But she has never been a good sleeper. She doesn't sleep through the night—not even close....
I love how nowadays there are all these mommy groups online where we can vent, get advice, share stories, and ask each other questions. I belong to several of them and someone was asking a question the other day...
My daughter has never been "easy." She's always been a good sleeper (with a major hiccup during the toddler bed transition) and a great eater. But she has never wanted to just stay at the house and play with...

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