It’s back to school time! Or is it? If your child has graduated high school, this time of year can feel really confusing whether they have plans to go to college, move into the workforce, join the military or...
My daughter is beautiful. I should know, I am her mother! And as her mom, I want to tell her so, constantly! When I look at her, in all of her unique wonderfulness, I am blown away. The easiest...
My first and only child is currently deep in the throes of puberty. For my daughter, it started around age 8 and will end by the time she’s 14, as it does for most girls. I knew puberty was...
Catastrophic, they say. Heartbreaking, I say. I visited what is arguably the world's most famous church during a summer foreign exchange program in high school. Notre Dame Cathedral is more than just a building to me. It's a visible...
Watching our kids, more specifically our teens, go through heartbreak — their first heartbreak — isn’t easy.  I found that out firsthand this week.  Just because they’re kids, doesn’t mean their feelings aren’t big and their emotions even bigger. ...
Once, I saw a bumper sticker on a minivan while I was in the school drop off lane. It simply said, “I used to be cool.” Oh, mama... I feel the exact same way most days. And I was cool...
We hear about how hard teenagers are, how ugly those years are, but we don’t fully understand until we get there. It doesn’t matter how many times we’re told, or the stories we hear. Until we get there, and...
Time with them is slipping through my fingers, like water wildly gushing from a faucet. I know I can do nothing to stop or alter the flow. But I need to do a better job of closing my fingers and creating a cup to drink from and savor before it flows over and passes me by.
Ah, the glorious teen years. The magnificent, insanity inducing ages between 13 and 19. And in our case, my 21-year-old son is making me re-think the idea that 19 is the end of this phase. Experts say brains don't...
A child’s miraculous growth is a subject of wonder for all mothers. It begins with pregnancy and charges forth in a flurry of firsts: First time sleeping through the night, first birthday, first steps, first words, the first day...

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