A barometer is an instrument used for measuring pressure.  It is also something that reflects changes in circumstances.  For me, the level of self-care I am prioritizing is a good measure of how burned out I am, and the...
Oh, newlyweds... That bridal glow! That unmistakable bliss! The happiness that makes people gag! That was all there for my husband and me. But our first year of marriage also was covered with a thick, black blanket of despair. My...
As if parenting didn’t feel challenging enough, along came 2020. As a mother of 2 young children and a pediatrician, this year’s events have kept my head spinning both professionally and on the home front. Although the coronavirus may...
Dear Young Moms — any moms who have not yet entered the “school years” stage of parenthood... I want to begin by saying how we, the middle moms, remember being in your place. Forgive Us We are cheering you on and...
Why do the Whole30? I’ll give it to you straight. Completing the Whole30 as a family is tough, but doable.  The rules are simple: No grains, gluten, dairy, soy, sugar, alcohol, legumes or specific additives for 30 straight days. And absolutely no...

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