I have been here before. At one point, before my daughter came along, all three of my boys were in school at once. I didn't like it. I treasured the disappearance of the sibling WWF rounds and the cries of "I'm bored." Or "I'm starved." But between those bits of relief, I felt empty. Like I had lost my purpose.
At about age five, my son started showing an interest in football. At that point, I was against it. What changed my mind? Education. Instead of researching car seat safety, I was researching helmet technology and fitting guidelines.
Ask yourself the following question: How will I spend the next 50 birthdays? We spend countless hours planning and celebrating our kids’ birthdays, but rarely take a moment to think of our own.
Motherhood is not an excuse for your burn out. It's not your life that has to change, it's not your children that have to grow up, and it's not your husband that has to take notice. It's you. You have to change. 
It’s normal to feel mom guilt. Motherhood is different for every mom, and there is no manual for every situation you may encounter. We all struggle, and that is part of motherhood’s beauty – it makes us dig deeper, grow in ways we never imagined and connects us to others who can help.
I must tell all of you about this amazing new diet healthy eating plan that my husband and I embarked on a few months ago. You may have heard of the Whole30 plan. Well, it's EXACTLY that, except you cheat and quit on day 14. It's fantastic I tell you!
Because I'm a struggling perfectionist, I often convince myself that these different hats must all be worn perfectly. And we all know how that ends. Worn out mama with an empty tank. 
I’m closing in on 40. I have long believed that the 30’s are the best decade, but am starting to wonder if my 40’s may be even better. The longer I live, the less I care about what others...
Who do you spend more time with….your device or your family? Take a hard and fast look at how much time you are spending turning to a device instead of your loved ones. In a 2017 New York Times article, recent...
Enough. Enough is Enough. But what is enough? Am I enough? Do I do enough? Do I earn enough? Do we play enough? Is the house big enough? Are the kids happy enough? How do you measure? How do you know?...

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