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On my Whole30 journey, I experienced not just a physical transformation through losing pounds and inches, but a profound shift in my overall well-being. I embarked on this 30-day elimination program alongside thousands of others on January 1st. Whole30...
Sometimes as moms we find ourselves deep in survival mode and can’t find a way out. Many things can put us into survival mode–sickness, sleep regression, teething, life events (big or small). We find ourselves just trying to survive...
It’s Teacher Appreciation time and I know, as a teacher, that usually means lots of gifts from families in my classroom.  This is the time of year parents shower teachers with all the things that say: “Thank you for...
Three months ago, I was a different person. Over the past 90 days, I lost an innocence that I didn’t know I was still clinging to. It’s gone now, but I think that what has replaced it has increased...
Here is the scoop on family-friendly fun happening this month in Colorado Springs. Do you have an event you want to share? Add it here: Submit an Event.JTVCZWNzLWxpc3QtZXZlbnRzJTIwZnJvbWRhdGUlM0QlMjcyMDI0LTA0LTMwJTI3JTIwdG9kYXRlJTNEJTI3MjAyNC0wNS0zMSUyNyUyMGRlc2lnbiUzRCUyMmNvbXBhY3QlMjIlMjBwYWdpbmF0aW9uJTNEJTIydHJ1ZSUyMiUyMHRpbWVvbmx5JTNEJTIydHJ1ZSUyMiUyMHZlbnVlJTNEJTIydHJ1ZSUyMiUyMGxpbWl0JTNEJTIyOTAlMjIlMjB0aHVtYiUzRCUyMnRydWUlMjIlNUQlMEE=
National Astronaut Day In addition to the festive Cinco de Mayo, May 5th is National Astronaut Day. As a child, I was always interested in space. My interest in space has returned in full force with two young sons who...