Entering the “Big Kid” Years


This month, my daughter turns eight years old. It feels like it was just yesterday that I was snuggling my tiny newborn baby in my arms, but now that newborn is officially entering her “big kid” years. Watching her grow and change and begin to mature is a new joy of parenthood I didn’t expect. New challenges have arisen, but I am taking it all day by day with my girl. 

Introducing Bigger Responsibilities 

While I want her to stay my carefree little girl for as long as possible, I have been slowly introducing more responsibilities to her daily routines. Her chore list is expanding from simple to more complex tasks. She is also learning how to take care of herself without needing help from Mom. Entering the “big kid” years means learning important life skills, big and small. These skills will eventually carry her into her teen and adult years. 

Prioritizing Connection 

It is so important to take a few minutes each day to sit and talk with each of my girls, especially my “big kid.” I make sure this time is uninterrupted (no devices or younger siblings). I don’t expect her to tell me all of her secrets or even every minute detail of her day. It is in these moments that I can learn more about her – her likes, dislikes, her new favorite snacks, TV shows, and books. Sometimes in these small moments, she does open up and share her heart with me.  

Enjoying Time with my “Big Kid” 

It goes hand in hand with prioritizing connection, but there’s something amazing about just enjoying who she is right now. It’s easy to pine for the baby days, the mispronounced words, and a time when everything felt so much simpler. It’s also easy to wish away the difficult days and hope for the day my kid starts doing one thing or stops doing another thing. When we take the time to enjoy this age and stage and all that comes with it, we can really connect with our big kid and the person they have become.  

I know, I sound like a random grandma at the grocery store giving unsolicited advice. It really does all go by so fast. This age range is setting the stage for her teen years, which brings a lot of feelings for me as her mom. I know that if I build a strong relationship with her now, we will remain close in the future. This is where it begins.