I know some parents that have put a lot of time, effort and money into very specific career paths for their children, at a very young age. I think that's great, but I want to tell you something: Your...
Easter is just around the corner, and I love this time of year for so many reasons. Spring is in the air and all around. Stores are filled with baskets, flowers, and seasonal pinks, blues, yellows, and greens. When...
Yesterday, I was flipping through my Facebook feed, mindlessly looking through posts from old friends and ads for things that I vaguely remember mentioning a day or two ago to my husband (How does Facebook know that by the...
I just moved cross country and I took this opportunity to clean out some old bins in my kids’ rooms.  Well to be completely honest, I didn’t WANT to clean out the bins, but my daughter decided that as...
Today, I was at King Soopers doing my normal weekly grocery run. I was alone; my husband was at home and my 16-year-old son at work.  Near the bakery, I saw a man with his son. His son was decked...
Once, I saw a bumper sticker on a minivan while I was in the school drop off lane. It simply said, “I used to be cool.” Oh, mama... I feel the exact same way most days. And I was cool...
It happened again. My twelve-year-old son asked for his own phone – yet again. This time, he sent my husband and me an email listing all the reasons he felt he “needed” the phone.  This request has become commonplace....
A family friend, Shaelynn, grew up around nicotine. Her mom smoked cigarettes and later vaped. Her older sisters eventually took up the habit. Then, one night when she was 13 or 14, the youngest girl in the family stayed up...
Work to remember what they’ve told you about certain school friends, certain likes and dislikes and their ideas for the future. These important things will come up again. When we recall previous conversations, our kids know we are listening and care about them.
Middle school years can be complicated years. At least for me as a mom. And I’ve only just begun! Thankfully, a friend recommended a great book that has helped me as I begin to navigate the exciting, busy, confusing,...

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