Moms, we know you are busy, so very busy. We also know that on any given day there is so much you are thinking about, stressing over and planning. Date night should not be one of those things. It...
These sugar cookies are non dairy and egg free! I call this a win when I want to make treats for a friend who is non dairy for her nursing infant. These cookies were a part of Christmas in my childhood...
Once each year, my sister, mom, nieces and I crowd into the kitchen for a frenzied day of baking.  In the next couple of years, my daughter will join in the Black Friday fun. It's an exhausting day, but we have...
One of the best things about living in Colorado Springs is our year-round good weather for outdoor adventures like zoos, petting zoos and farms. Recently, my family and I visited an area ranch that has a variety of rescue animals...
**UPDATED 2017 INFORMATION COMING SOON!** “Summer is taking FOREVER to get here!” My 4 year old says this to me at least twice a week after he asks if our neighborhood pool is open yet. I keep having to tell him...
Ahhh March. That time of year when the weather is unpredictable; and Spring Fever is in full swing! Spring break is this month and summer is just around the corner. There is always something going on in Colorado Springs...
The Fourth of July is one of those minimum-stress, maximum-fun holidays. No gifts. No planning.  Just pack the family into the car for a day of fun at one of the dozens of great celebrations in and around Colorado Springs.  We have...
As much as we love summer, it is hard to beat fall in Colorado Springs! Not only do we finally get a break from the blistering sun, but we're finally able to wear the boots we scored at the...
We love to shop local, and we especially love to support moms who are using their talents and gifts to provide for their families. Craft fairs are the perfect place to support moms and local businesses, find unique treasures,...
VBS (Vacation Bible School) is a summertime staple for churches in Colorado Springs. Kids love taking part in crafts, music, lessons, and games that are centered around a fun and engaging theme. To help you plan your family's summer fun,...

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