As James Taylor's melody told us almost 50 years ago, the secret of life is enjoying the passage of time. (If you’re not familiar with this song, check it out.)  As parents, we’re told so many things about time. It...
“Maturity is when a person hurts you, and you try to understand their situation; not hurt them back.” I wish, no, I pray, that more “adults” would start displaying more of that type of maturity.  I’m writing this because my...
Our new year started with a new house. A home that seemed borderline ridiculously huge compared to the 960 square feet we had left behind. While I immensely admire families who choose to live in small homes, we weren’t...
I hate cleaning my kids’ rooms.  The act seems so incredibly redundant that it is beyond off-putting for me. And, much like we see in Toy Story 4, they attach emotionally to some of the weirdest stuff. This is not...
No one wants a spouse who cheats.  No one.  And many of us will react to it differently if we find ourselves in that position.  But when the kids know, it brings a whole different level to how you...
I am boring. I don't create epic scenarios for my kids to do. I don't turn the house upside down into an elaborate obstacle course on rainy days. I don't spend hours playing make believe. I don't have a beautiful...
This month, my daughter turns eight years old. It feels like it was just yesterday that I was snuggling my tiny newborn baby in my arms, but now that newborn is officially entering her “big kid” years. Watching her...
I am not what you could consider the crunchiest mom. I have mom friends who'd I'd say are crunchy, and they're awesome. This is not about not liking someone's crunch. What Makes a Crunchy Mom? But, if you are more like...
The purpose of the margins on a printed document is to make the important stuff stand out. It draws our attention to paramount information on the page. If the margins are too jumbled, too small or too messy, the...
Just had my third nipple cut off and didn’t knock the doctor’s teeth out, so I call that a W. After birthing four pups, you’d think I’d be a champ in the med bed. Not so. Let me set...

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