Hello fellow COS mamas! I’m Paras Askari Longanecker, a mother of two wild young boys, wife to an adventurous guy, and practicing pediatrician learning to navigate the challenging yet rewarding world of being a working mom. Since moving to...
Call me crazy! I haven’t broken down and bought my tween a cell phone. Yep, we’re still living in the dark ages and my tweenage sweetheart lets me know this almost daily. She claims she NEEEEEDS a phone so she...
WHO'S THAT GIRL? Hello fellow Colorado Springs mamas! My name is Elizabeth Mayberry and I am over-the-moon to be a new contributor on Co Springs Mom Collective! I've grown up here (one of those natives) and have a deep, deep...
I am familiarizing myself with life's little wins. I used to post all of those inspirational quotes like “Keep your head and heels high, but your standards higher!” Or another one was “Yesterday you said tomorrow.” Go get ‘em, tiger. Am...
Summer is almost here and I’m already finding myself knee-deep in summer plans. Now a lot of moms will have their kids’ summer schedule completely planned out week to week; from vacations to camp, to playdates with friends. But...
Random Acts of Kindness Day is this Saturday, February 17th, and we have partnered with Little Sunshine's Playhouse & Preschool to help you celebrate all week long. Use the BINGO Board below to encourage your child to complete 5 kind...
My girl was four years old, and it was her first spring season of soccer. She had been watching her older sister play for a year, and so she was excited to now show off her own skills on...
I’m sitting here with a glass of Colorado whiskey, trying to think up what my niche in the mom-o-verse is.  I am a mom of two lovely-lady-littles. I work full time.  A full-time student, I am working toward my...
It is easy to forget that our children are always listening and paying attention even when we think they are not. I was reminded of this as my youngest developed a severe fear of the hail and thunderstorms last...
One night, like usual, I was hurrying my teen along so that we could leave the house on time for a meeting. About to walk about the door, he said, “I gotta grab my bag and a water bottle.”...

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