A few months ago, during a solid attempt at spring cleaning, I had the realization that I’d somehow lost my way in the practice of sustainable living. You can read my confession and recommitment to a more eco-conscious lifestyle...
A few years ago, I saw a fun idea to write a series of love notes, or a “heart attack” for your children from February 1-14. I decided to try it and now it’s become a yearly tradition in...
I don’t know what kind of mom you are around the holidays, but I LOVE making holidays magical for my kids, especially Christmas.  I love knowing I was partly responsible for making their eyes light up in wonder or...
If you missed part 1 of this post, I talked about ways to keep your kids reading over the summer to avoid the “summer slide.”  Today, I want to give you some easy ways to keep your kids doing...
So, Christmas time is coming up.  It is just about my favorite time of year.  I don’t know about you, but I do like to spread my spending out over a few months to make it a bit more...
Want to know the single best library-provided resource to help me read more? The Libby app!  The Libby app is free for all library card holders. You can check out ebooks, audiobooks and magazines, and have access to them right...
It's fall, y'all! And Halloween is just around the corner. If you happen to be of the pumpkin-loving breed, you've  probably spent the last few weeks pumpkin-izing in all sorts of ways. Pumpkin scents, pumpkin prints, pumpkin-flavored-everything and pumpkin...
I find that making friends as an adult can be pretty difficult. Sure, I come across as friendly and chatty sometimes, but getting past that into the meat of a friendship is hard. To me, building deeper connections feels...
Last year, our summer was filled with a plethora of park meet ups, zoo trips, pool visits and hikes. My kids and I thrive on all of this adventuring, but I was rapidly losing creativity when it came to...
I had never planned to take my children to protests. I had thought that road was long behind me in my twenties. Naively, I thought there would be no need. I thought about getting a sitter but could not stretch...

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