Encouragement for the Tired Mama


An open letter for the mama who needs encouragement:

Dear Mama,

I want to start by saying how amazing you are. You are a superhero in every sense of the word. You juggle multiple tasks simultaneously, from being a great mom to your kids to bringing in financial stability and running a household. Yet, your love and commitment to your family are unwavering, and you constantly put their needs before your own. It’s truly incredible how you can keep it together and still find the strength to smile and make everyone feel loved, even on the most challenging days.

However, I also know that this constant care and giving can be exhausting and overwhelming. It’s easy to feel like you’re running on empty, with no time for yourself, no time to breathe, and no time to simply be. You’re not alone in feeling this. It’s important to acknowledge that you’re human and have limitations, and you cannot do everything by yourself.

Remember, taking care of yourself is not a luxury but a necessity. You need to prioritize self-care just as much as you prioritize taking care of your family. Taking some time for yourself will help recharge your batteries and allow you to be the best version of yourself for your loved ones.

Asking for help is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength. Reach out to your family, friends, or colleagues and ask for help when you need it. There’s no shame in delegating some tasks or simply saying no to some things that don’t align with your priorities. However, it’s important to learn to set boundaries and don’t feel guilty about taking some time for yourself.

It’s also important to recognize that the expectations that society places on mothers are unrealistic and unfair. You don’t have to be perfect, and making mistakes is okay. No one has it all figured out, and everyone has their own challenges to deal with. Don’t compare yourself to others, and focus on being the best version of yourself.

Lastly, I want to thank you for all that you do. You are the glue that holds your family together, and your love and dedication are the reasons why your children thrive. Your hard work and commitment do not go unnoticed, and your family is grateful for everything you do for them. You are a role model and an inspiration, and your children will always remember the sacrifices you made for them.

Remember that you’re not alone, and you have a community of moms who support and appreciate you. Keep being the amazing mother that you are, and never forget to take care of yourself.

With love and admiration,
A fellow tired and overwhelmed Mama

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Chelsea is originally from Florida, but has lived all over the US (FL, NC, MI, DC, VA, OR, WA, SC, DE, TX, and AL). Being in the military will do that to you. She is a Major in the Air Force, a Mental Health Counselor, and the owner of Limitless Life Coaching, LLC. Chelsea has been married to the best guy, Michael, for the last 10 years. Together they have three kiddos Lillian (5), Aiden (3), and Isaac (9 months) plus a mutt pupper who is 12 years old. They have been in Colorado for the last 2 years (the longest location so far!) and they’re hoping to settle down soon. Chelsea's favorite things are Jesus, people, and nature.


  1. Very well put Chelsea. As Moms, young and old, we can be hardest on ourselves trying to live up to unreal expectations. Keep encouraging, its one of your many gifts

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