Easter is just around the corner, and I love this time of year for so many reasons. Spring is in the air and all around. Stores are filled with baskets, flowers, and seasonal pinks, blues, yellows, and greens. When...
I have a confession to make. I abhor cleaning my house. I love the smell and the feel of a freshly cleaned house. However, that status is almost impossible to attain. I am scrubbing away in one room of the...
This week, I did something I never dreamed I would do. I sat in the crowded school cafeteria for freshman curriculum night. Despite all my protests and denial, my beautiful oldest baby will head to high school in the...
What to do when everything is changing… Change is good. Change is bad. Change is inevitable… Yada…yada…yada…blah…blah..blah… Right now, I am taking my first breath of fresh air from my ugly and I mean a really ugly cry over a bad...
My husband recently mused that simply being a teenager is a form of mental illness. Normally, I may have laughed, but since he’s a psychologist, I had to think: “What if that’s true and what are the symptoms?” I could...
I’ve only been a mom to a teenager for two years, but it has made me believe that our teens need us just as much as our tots do… or maybe even more.  Sure, we don’t spend nearly as much...
Mama’s (and dads, too) of the bubbly faced tweens and teens, this post is for you.  It is also for all of you out there that suffer with wrinkles and adult acne. How is that even fair? It is simple....
A family friend, Shaelynn, grew up around nicotine. Her mom smoked cigarettes and later vaped. Her older sisters eventually took up the habit. Then, one night when she was 13 or 14, the youngest girl in the family stayed up...
When it comes to graduation there are two main (BIG) feelings, which come together to make it very a bittersweet time. On one hand we are ready to be done dealing with school, but on the other hand, the idea of...
You know that adage “the days are long but the years are short?” My kids are in middle school, and that seems truer every passing day. Finding time to slow down and connect can be such a challenge. One...

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