For many years, the medical profession has considered women older than age 35 to be higher risk when it comes to pregnancy. Although many women age 40 and older are now having successful pregnancies, that standard remains. "But pregnancy...
Because I'm a struggling perfectionist, I often convince myself that these different hats must all be worn perfectly. And we all know how that ends. Worn out mama with an empty tank. 
We all know that “it takes a village.” Raising children is far from easy. The physical, mental and emotional work load is second to none. We as parents need a village to help ease the workload of raising good,...
Do you want to learn a secret of how I keep my New Year’s Resolutions? It all started with a tiny swoosh mark. Do you know what Nike means? In Greek mythology, Nike is the winged goddess of victory. The sportswear...
Are you a runner, athlete or dancer? Do you have kids who are? If anyone in your household is experiencing pain in their ankles or feet, it could be a stress fracture.  How does it happen? Not all bone fractures occur...
"Don't worry, it gets easier, this is just a season of your life, enjoy it." Yes, this is a season. Hurricane season. The first time I heard this sweet phrase I thought they were very kind words.  I pondered them...
This year my 10-year-old son joined a travel hockey team. He’s been playing hockey for the last five years and is obsessed with the sport. He eats, drinks, and breathes hockey. And, he’s not too bad of a player...
The divorce journey is a process.  With some days that are just very very hard.  The days when the self-doubt is high and the tears are easy.  On those days you need your support system.  But at the same...
A family friend, Shaelynn, grew up around nicotine. Her mom smoked cigarettes and later vaped. Her older sisters eventually took up the habit. Then, one night when she was 13 or 14, the youngest girl in the family stayed up...
2020 has been a bit of a garbage year, but there has been one unexpected benefit – this mama finally found a way to move it. We all know the benefits of a workout. Reduced stress, lower anxiety, improved blood...

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