Another school year is winding to a close, and while most households are trying to finalize plans and figure out how to spend the summer, we're still trying to get through to the end.  Because with the end comes...
Kids and adults alike share a love for the whimsy of Halloween. The costumes, pumpkins, treats and the all-things-spooky are part of why fall is exciting! Truthfully speaking though, the same spooky festivities leave us parents with a host of...
Do you have shoulder pain?  Many people do. One common culprit is the rotator cuff, a group of four muscles that help initiate and stabilize the shoulder during motion. Normal daily activities put stress on these muscles. And that may...
“Hey Mommy, why do old men drive the fanciest cars?” I chuckled at my son’s witty observation, and I probably mumbled out some corrective response. Yet, I wondered to myself, “How in the world did he come to that conclusion?”   We...
Nearly 45 million children around the United States play organized sports, making foot and ankle injuries increasingly common. In fact, these injuries make up nearly one third of visits to sports medicine clinics. Ankle sprains are one of the...
I’ve been contemplating what it looks like to fully embrace my motherhood while also wholly embracing my creative self. In this new territory of motherhood, there is room for the expanse of creativity – I just have to look a little harder to see it at times.
January has come and gone, and so have everyone’s New Year’s resolutions. But if it has been your goal to exercise, I will tell you a secret: Now is a great time to start. Why Exercise Now?  Well, first of all,...
Growing up, I would definitely call myself a worrisome child. I would worry about all types of things and then those worries would turn into nightmares at night as I slept. It wasn't every night but it happened a...
Why do the Whole30? I’ll give it to you straight. Completing the Whole30 as a family is tough, but doable.  The rules are simple: No grains, gluten, dairy, soy, sugar, alcohol, legumes or specific additives for 30 straight days. And absolutely no...
Short on time but still want to get a good workout? I’ve got you covered! HIIT workouts might just be your new best friend. HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. I believe they are the best and most efficient workouts...

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