I don't know about you, but 2020 has brought about some big changes in my life. As time in this new environment goes on, a new way of life has begun to emerge. One with slower days, with less...
Do you ever have those days where you get up from the couch, walk into the kitchen and think, "What was I coming in here for?" Have you ever had that feeling with you whole life? I have. Early on...
Childhood Cancer. September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. There are very few things in this world, especially as a mom, that stir my soul like childhood cancer. Hearing the St. Jude marathons on the radio is almost more than I can take. ...
Positive. That one little symbol on the pregnancy test that literally changed everything in my life. I was not expecting to see a positive result, but there it was. And even though I had been down this road before with...
I want to preface this by admitting to you all that I am not an athletic person. I do not consistently work out, nor am I in shape. As a work at home, mom of 5, I spend a...
So this is where I dare you to make a change. I know it's a big one, and I know it will take time. And you'll undoubtedly fail at it daily, but just give it a shot. Shift your focus, stop taking the things in your life for granted, give thanks in all things, and raise your children to do the same.
As a mom and a physician, I frequently think about my family's health and how I can continually improve it. By no means do I ensure that my toddler only eats ‘healthy’ foods. Between the goldfish and fruit snacks,...
Sometimes, words fail to convey your heartfelt condolences for a friend or family member going through an infant or pregnancy loss. Or perhaps you are struggling to work through your own grief and loss. Here are some resources that might...
 Injured? Sick? In pain? Trying to decide quickly where to seek medical attention can be stressful and complicated. The level of care and price vary widely, depending on the option you select. The three main choices? Urgent Care walk-in...
We are all familiar with guilt. It is that annoying, overwhelming feeling which tells us we are not doing enough, are not enough, should be doing more, or are simply doing everything wrong. Guilt is a sneaky stealer of your...

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