I have two absolutely fabulous friends!  We’ve been friends for somewhere in the neighborhood of thirty-five years.  We always sent a Christmas card or holiday letter with updates.  We attended each other’s weddings, celebrated babies, and followed as we...
When it comes to your period it's important to remember that it's not just the time of the month when you are bleeding, but it's an entire cycle that has repetition and predictability.  Once you understand your own menstrual...
Living in Colorado Springs provides easy access to hundreds of breathtaking hiking trails with challenge levels ranging from beginner to expert. It was one of the main things that drew me here from the east coast where I had...
Ha! I was really hoping that this title would grab your attention! While I do want to touch briefly on the intimacy aspect the word "quickie" typically applies to, I think that in these busy days with little ones and...
Motherhood is not an excuse for your burn out. It's not your life that has to change, it's not your children that have to grow up, and it's not your husband that has to take notice. It's you. You have to change. 
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question — What are you doing for others?” We must not let this essential component and foundation of our world fall to the wayside.  Like anything in life, that which is left unattended, forgotten and ignored, will atrophy and waste away.  Let us not get so caught up in our own lives that we forget to help our fellow man and neighbors.  We must practice, harness and nurture our strength and power to love through our service to others. 
I waited a long time to get pregnant. Too long apparently, because once I began the process of fertility treatments at the age of 36, my chart proclaimed, “advanced maternal age.” Wait, what? Thirty-six just didn’t seem that old to me....
You are about to be a parent. You probably feel excited and maybe a little anxious. You are getting as prepared as possible. You are eating right and staying away from foods that could be harmful to your baby....
Do you have shoulder pain?  Many people do. One common culprit is the rotator cuff, a group of four muscles that help initiate and stabilize the shoulder during motion. Normal daily activities put stress on these muscles. And that may...
I am terrible at sitting still. I literally cannot watch TV without something busying my hands, be it a bullet journal or a grocery list or some short-lived attempt at crocheting. Moving Up Ever since I can remember, I’ve had the...

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