Beep, beep, beep... your alarm clock. The day begins. You stumble to the bathroom. Your reflection tells the tale. Tired, puffy, red eyes. Wondering how you are going to make it through your day. Coffee. You head downstairs and hit the...
Ok, so we made it through December and the New Year (or if you’re like me, Halloween to the end of the year). All the holidays, parties, festivals, lights, and such are over. We can hopefully take a breath...
Mom Friends. God Bless them. Really, count yourself so lucky if you find yourself fortunate enough to have found a group of mom friends, a sisterhood. And if you are still in search of your pack of moms; take...
I sit in the dark, quietly rocking with two little angels snuggled in my lap and a third waiting patiently for me to come read to him. I know why I work so hard to keep it all together....
There is nothing like the clean slate feel of a brand new year. There is so much possibility and hope that challenges will improve and that new opportunities will come. I normally make a huge list of resolutions each...
What's for Dinner? Let’s face it, we all need that one "no fear" recipe in our arsenal that we go to when company is coming.  No more panicking or fretting about likes, dislikes, allergies, gluten-free, how long it takes or if...
Lately I have been on a bit of a self-help journey. As my kids get older, I find myself wondering if I am modeling positive mental health for them. I have always struggled with anxiety, which has manifested into...
My parents are neat and tidy people. They have always kept and clean house with belongings in their proper places. Apparently, this is not a genetic trait. As much as I enjoy a clean house, I’ve never been consistent...
If you’ve been anywhere on the internet in the past couple of years, you’ve most likely heard of the keto diet. Often portrayed as the eat-nothing-but-butter-and-bacon diet, it’s extremely popular with everyone from your grandmother to Khloe Kardashian.  The gist...
Busyness and self-sufficiency are the hallmarks of our society now. Gone are the days where we enjoyed family time around the television, long drives to nowhere, slow strolls through the neighborhood, or ice tea on the porch with a...

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