I am not what you could consider the crunchiest mom. I have mom friends who'd I'd say are crunchy, and they're awesome. This is not about not liking someone's crunch. What Makes a Crunchy Mom? But, if you are more like...
Do you ever try to keep your kids in a bubble of innocence?  As if nothing bad or hard or hurtful could ever happen to them or those they love?  As if difficult things don't exist?  That would be...
Baking and eating special treats is one of my favorite pastimes. I have deep and fond memories as a kid of helping my grandmother in the kitchen. Mixing ingredients, stirring, rolling, patting, kneading. We had so many family recipes that...
  I see you there. Standing in the middle of the kitchen, talking to yourself. Or, maybe it's the dirty dishes? You've broken up with them again haven't you? You've decided they're not worth the work today, or the stress....
Over the years, I have changed. It's impossible to stay the exact same person. Life happens and you discover new passions. Obsessions turn into phases. Priorities shift. I used to be obsessed with martini glasses, my apartment was decorated...
Wildfires are raging across Colorado and the West. Too many of our citizens know all too well the hardship of losing a home to wildfire. But even after a fire is contained, members of our community still need your...
I was used to my December birthday blending into the larger framework of holiday celebrations. Growing up, it seemed like there were always school Christmas concerts. In college, there were finals. As an adult, a seemingly endless buffet of...
I'm completely giddy that football season is here. I'm a diehard football fan, which stems from my high school days in small-town Iowa. Our football team wasn't just good—it was excellent. We competed in a state championship nearly every...
This morning as I sat in the waiting room for my first women's wellness check since giving birth to my daughter, I found myself reflecting on how much transformation I have gone through to become the woman I am...
Don’t judge… but, I’m a bit of a true crime junkie. I’m often watching true crime TV shows, like Snapped and Dateline. I like reading true crime novels and I follow crime-related news stories. Sometimes, I think that I...

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