I love going to parades. When I think about my favorite parades, the hometown All-American Fourth of July parade on Main Street is most vivid in my memory. I love the small-town parades that bring the whole town together...
Want to know the single best library-provided resource to help me read more? The Libby app!  The Libby app is free for all library card holders. You can check out ebooks, audiobooks and magazines, and have access to them right...
Every mom knows that juggling the responsibilities of parenthood, work, and household chores can be overwhelming. One major source of stress for many moms is the clutter that accumulates over time. From old toys and furniture to unused appliances...
Have you ever read about the benefits of bilingualism? Apart from its cognitive benefits, bilingualism increases cultural awareness, which on its own is a big deal. My first language was Spanish and I learned English in elementary school. However,...
April is here, which means it’s Earth Month! Earth Month is the unofficial extension of Earth Day, celebrated annually on April 22. For us, this time of year also means back-to-back birthdays. Since our little one turns three soon, I’m...
Encouraging and letting my 5-year-old help around the house has provided a way to teach responsibility, encourage teamwork, and participate in necessary chores in family life. Having my children help around the home has helped all of us see...
The holiday season is upon us. Some of us are furiously trying to watch for sales and check off gifts from our lists.  Some are having the almost daily visits from the delivery man as the packages roll in...
I hate cleaning my kids’ rooms.  The act seems so incredibly redundant that it is beyond off-putting for me. And, much like we see in Toy Story 4, they attach emotionally to some of the weirdest stuff. This is not...
Plan now for greater energy savings this fall and winter. Taking time to improve energy efficiency pays off year-round. When you save energy, you lower your bill too. These small changes are affordable, shouldn’t take much time (unless you forget...
For many moms, taking time off the workforce is a critical decision that requires thorough consideration. The time spent taking care of the kids at home may stretch from a couple of months to several years. Even then, this...

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