We all know that the last month of pregnancy lasts about 354 days. If you're nearing the last month of your first pregnancy, then you are quickly learning it will drag on forever. And despite researching all the pregnancy must haves,...
Working out makes me happy. Okay, it makes everyone happy because… endorphins. But since becoming a mom, working out has been my “thing.” You know, that one thing you do for yourself. That thing that you make time for...
It was time to take a break. Social media was taking up too much space in my daily routine. Even app limits I had set for myself weren’t doing anything for me. I was using Instagram up to 8...
I care about healthy eating and what I put in my body, but I also care about what I put on my body. I’m sure a lot of you, do as well. Did you know, more than 40 countries...
I have two absolutely fabulous friends!  We’ve been friends for somewhere in the neighborhood of thirty-five years.  We always sent a Christmas card or holiday letter with updates.  We attended each other’s weddings, celebrated babies, and followed as we...
Beep, beep, beep... your alarm clock. The day begins. You stumble to the bathroom. Your reflection tells the tale. Tired, puffy, red eyes. Wondering how you are going to make it through your day. Coffee. You head downstairs and hit the...
I had no idea how much I needed a break. Have you ever gotten to a place where you don’t even recognize yourself anymore? I know moms all over feel this at a deep level. All of our waking (sometimes...
A barometer is an instrument used for measuring pressure.  It is also something that reflects changes in circumstances.  For me, the level of self-care I am prioritizing is a good measure of how burned out I am, and the...
I hate being sick. I tend to try to go go go and experience and do a lot. When I get sick, it is usually my body reminding me that I need to take a break and slow down....
Busyness and self-sufficiency are the hallmarks of our society now. Gone are the days where we enjoyed family time around the television, long drives to nowhere, slow strolls through the neighborhood, or ice tea on the porch with a...

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