I must tell all of you about this amazing new diet healthy eating plan that my husband and I embarked on a few months ago. You may have heard of the Whole30 plan. Well, it's EXACTLY that, except you cheat and quit on day 14. It's fantastic I tell you!
Seeking opportunities for you and your children to give back to our community this summer? Look no further. Colorado Springs Moms Blog has assembled a list of fun charitable events that will be fun for your family and help...
And then my mind lands on one of the most powerful moments from the first year. I’m sitting in my counselor’s office, eyes wet, nose runny and voice crackly as I recall that first moment, the one where I felt so uprooted just after labor and delivery. We processed through the depression and anxiety tied to that moment. Her words pointed me beyond myself – “You aren’t alone in the experience of being separated from your child…”
Couples each have their own methods of communication. And there are multiple factors that go into how we communicate, especially in our marriages or partnerships. Personalities, family history, past relationship experiences and even our mood of the day can...
Mental health is surrounded by stigma. We often hear this, but what does it mean? What is stigma for a family with a child in a mental health crisis? In talking with families that we work with at There With...
Like most of you, I’m constantly doing work to become a better person – as a mother, wife, employer… I believe there is a need to work on myself. I read self-help books, meditate, and listen to podcasts. Most...
On my Whole30 journey, I experienced not just a physical transformation through losing pounds and inches, but a profound shift in my overall well-being. I embarked on this 30-day elimination program alongside thousands of others on January 1st. Whole30...
I went to Columbine High School. Remember that name? It was the site of one of deadliest school shootings in American history. Two students killed 13 classmates, then committed suicide in the library. Most people remember where they were when the...
I hate being sick. I tend to try to go go go and experience and do a lot. When I get sick, it is usually my body reminding me that I need to take a break and slow down....
Having children and all that comes along with the responsibility of being a mother often leaves little if no time for ourselves. I recently read a story about a working mom who hired a virtual personal assistant to book...

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