Mindful Homeschooling for Newbies: Finding Your Way


My first month of homeschooling has been a whirlwind of learning and growth. As a newbie in this homeschooling journey, I dove into books and blogs, gathered curriculums, and printed worksheets, eager to provide the best education for my kindergartener. It was overwhelming at first, drowning in a sea of options. But if you’re feeling the same way, stay with me, because despite the initial chaos, we’re finding our rhythm, and so can you. 

Mindfulness and Homeschooling

In this season of our homeschooling journey, we’ve honed in on the principles of organization and mindfulness. I strive to integrate mindfulness into every aspect of our lives. Our approach to organization has embraced minimalism, where we prioritize what truly fosters learning and growth, letting go of anything that merely consumes time and adds checkboxes to our list. Here are some tips to infuse mindfulness into every facet of your homeschooling experience. 

Stay Connected to Your Why

Reconnect with why you chose homeschooling. Evaluate your daily routine to see if it aligns with your homeschooling goals. Keep advice and curriculum that supports your journey, and let go of the rest.

Quality Trumps Quantity

While there are great curricula available, choose materials that excite both you and your children. If it doesn’t inspire you or demands too much prep time, let it go. Focus on the quality of your time together; learning opportunities are boundless when everyone enjoys the process.

Embrace the Moment

Our mornings start with a routine, but it’s not set in stone. Whether it’s 15 minutes or longer or shorter, I follow my kids’ interests. No strict timers here—watch, engage, and dive deep when curiosity strikes.

Keep a Homeschooling Journal

Document your homeschooling journey with a journal. Reflect on what works well and what you’d like to improve. This helps you stay on track and adapt as needed.

Self-Care Matters

Prioritize yourself. Find a daily practice that brings calm and presence to your day. I exercise and meditate before our school day. Taking care of my health and setting an intention for the day makes a world of difference in providing my best for my kids.

Loop Scheduling

A game-changer for us! This method strikes the perfect balance between variety for my kids and consistency for me. It’s been a lifesaver for exploring diverse curricula and reducing the day-to-day stress of a packed schedule, without losing sight of our goals. If you’re seeking a fresh planning approach, I wholeheartedly recommend giving it a try!

Set Realistic Expectations

Understand that not every day will go perfectly. Embrace the ups and downs of homeschooling, and remember that learning happens in various ways.

Celebrate Small Wins

Recognize and celebrate the little victories along the way. Whether it’s mastering a math concept or a family project, acknowledge and reward progress.

Stay Open to Evolving

Homeschooling is a journey; be open to adapting your homeschooling approach as your child’s interests and needs grow and change. 


If you’re a homeschooling newbie feeling overwhelmed, you’re not alone. In our first month, we ditched workbooks we didn’t enjoy and tweaked our routine until it felt right. If you’re feeling swamped, take a step back and do a little less. Prioritize fostering a love of learning and connection above all else, and build your homeschooling journey from there. You’ve got this!