Spring Cleaning, Family-Style: Setting Goals & Involving the Kids


As spring approaches, my urge to tidy-up magnifies. Honestly, I enjoy a good organization project any time of the year, but the arrival of spring gives me a little extra pep in my step. I find true calm in a well-organized space. As a SAHM, I also look for opportunities to teach my kids more than their ABCs, so inviting them into my world of home organization is a perfect opportunity to introduce meaningful life skills. 

Whether you are eager to dive into your own projects or find the pressures of spring cleaning a bit daunting, I’m here to offer a few tips I find useful when tackling spring cleaning projects. 

The More the Merrier 

First, rather than going at spring cleaning alone, consider making it a family activity. Involving children of all ages can teach them valuable life skills and nurture a sense of responsibility and teamwork. Spring cleaning as a family can be a win-win for all. Here’s how to transform spring cleaning from just another chore on your list to a family affair.

  • Set cleaning goals and priorities 
  • Create a checklist
  • Set realistic deadlines 
  • Assign age-appropriate tasks 
  • Make it a game
  • Divide and conquer 
  • Celebrate

Getting Everyone on the Same Page

Secondly, consider your motivation. For me, stepping into an organized space offers a sense of tranquility. No matter how chaotic life might be, I can always take a deep breath in that space and prepare for whatever comes next. Spring cleaning can also be an opportunity to create space for new things or to tackle areas that usually require too much time and effort to maintain. Talk with your family and determine your common goals. This will inspire everyone to participate. Here are some suggested benefits to get you started. 

  • A cleaner and more comfortable living environment
  • Reduced stress and distraction
  • Satisfaction of achieving goals as a family 
  • Better organization leads to less clean up time later 

Decide What’s Worth Spring Cleaning 

Lastly, be realistic about what you and your family can feasibly accomplish this season. Perhaps you’d like to focus on just one floor of your home or a few specific rooms. The key is to define what ‘spring cleaning’ means for you and your family. Remember, this is a time to refresh, not to burn out. Quality over quantity, always! As you work through your priority list, consider these ideas to help you determine what’s most important:

  • Divide and conquer: Break down larger cleaning tasks in high-traffic areas into smaller, more manageable steps.
  • Brainstorm better organization spaces that are the hardest to keep tidy 
  • Identify areas for repurposing
  • Create a master list and tackle one project at a time 

When Conflict Arises 

Spring is a busy season for families, and adding a new project can sometimes result in moments of conflict. The truth is, not all the items on your checklist may get completed this round, and you might encounter instances where a child loses interest mid-way through. When the going gets tough, remember to be flexible and give everyone a break when needed. Here are some tried-and-true tips for energizing, adapting, and moving forward when conflict arises

  • Take regular breaks
  • Use positive reinforcement
  • Celebrate small wins
  • Adapt and reassess 
  • Revisit Your common goals 


Spring cleaning doesn’t need to feel like a chore! By involving your family, you can transform it into an enjoyable and fulfilling experience. Whether it’s teaching valuable life skills, fostering a sense of responsibility and teamwork, or simply creating a cleaner and more comfortable home, the benefits are immense. Remember to be flexible, set achievable goals, and celebrate your accomplishments together. So, gather your cleaning supplies and let’s make our homes sparkle together! What are your spring cleaning tips or favorite family traditions? Share them in the comments below!


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